Calculate Variation using Excel: Different types of variation. Some examples of Manufacturing Industry

Hi friends! This blog will help you to understand the variation calculation with the help of excel. We can use this method to calculate variation in manufacturing problem too. Variation is key a subject in the statistics. If you are working in manufacturing industry with the help of variation you can get an idea about the variation exist in process or in the product characteristics. Excel calculation is done in version Excel 2010 in this article. This is almost similar to other excel version, only some commands are different. You can able to do in other excel version.

Let’s learn how to perform calculation in excel.

First, we need to understand the meaning of variation in different words which are used in the manufacturing process like. Inconsistent, Poor quality, low reliability, uncertainty, fluctuation, uneven, risk, etc.  All these above examples are being measured in terms of variation in different form.

Types of variation

  1. Range                                                             
  2. Variance, population                                         
  3. Standard deviation, population                             
  4. Coefficient of Variation, population                       
  5. Variance, sample                                                 
  6. Standard deviation, sample                                 
  7. Coefficient of Variation, sample                                                                          
  8. Z score                                                           

Let’s us understand with some manufacturing examples. 

Suppose a company ABC Pvt. Ltd is a cake manufacturing company. One day in B shift one operator was running a machine and cutting a dough of 250 gm. The quality inspector came in at end of shift and checked the parameters of the machine and also the weight of the dough. The inspector found that there is a variation in the dough weight.

Specification of dough weight = 250 +/- 2 gm.

Let’s do calculation for Range

Range = Max value – Min value

Step -1: Open the excel sheet.

Step – 2: Type the required data as mentioned below.

Step – 3: Write Max function in Cell box   = MAX (data set)  

Step – 4: Similarly write Min function in cell box =Min (data set)

Step 5:  Difference of Max – min will give variance of mentioned data set.

In this case: Max = 254 gm; Min = 247 gm

Now Range =Max- Min = 254-247 = 7 gm

Variance (population): To calculate the variance of the given data sheet in the excel.

Step -1: Write in cell box =Var.P(Data set)

Standard deviation (Population): Now we will be calculate the standard deviation of the given data set.

Step 1: Write in a cell box = STDEV.P(Data set)

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