What is False Alarm & Miss Alarm in manufacturing process?| Explained with some examples !!

Hi readers!! This article will help you to understand False alarm & Miss alarm of a process of a manufacturing company. Generally Quality Assurance team or Technical team uses this method for conducting inspection on sampling basis. It is a part of Measurement System Analysis(MSA) and also used in Six Sigma. We will also learn about Type-1 error and Type – 2 error in this article. This article enhances your skill to identify the False alarm & Miss alarm.

Suppose ABC is a tyre manufacturing company. Quality inspector does Pre despatch inspection of the final product for the customers.  He takes sample and does the sampling for batch. In this case two types of error can happen. He is either accepting the bad batch or rejecting the good batch after his inspection.   G- Good, B – Bad

In above picture it is shown that if someone is accepting the bad product then it is called Miss alarm. It is also called Type -II error or Consumer risk, β because loss will be borne by consumer.

If good batch is being rejected, then it is called false alarm or Type -I error. It is also called producer risk α because loss will be borne by producer.

Benefits of False Alarm & Miss Alarm

  • Control on the process
  • Monitoring of rejection analysis
  • Good firewall before shipment of products to customers
  • Skilled Quality Inspectors
  • Increase the customer satisfaction index

Type-I error is called False Positive and Type-II error is called False Negatives in medical science.

Let us understand with some examples of Type – I &Type – II

Some example of Type -I error:

  • Good batch rejected
  • Does not have fever, but declared as having fever.

Some example of Type – II error:

  •  Bad batch accepted
  •  Does have fever, but declared as not having fever

It is not possible to check 100% product so it is inspected on sampling basis with manual operation. So there is possibility of occurrence of False alarm as well as Miss alarm. If percentage of False alarm & miss alarm is greater than permissible limit, then organization must take action on it. Training must be given to Inspector or the person who is inspecting the sample.

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