Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Hi readers ! today we will learn about Total Productive Maintenance(TPM).

Policy and objectives

  • To maximize overall equipment effectiveness (Zero breakdowns and failures, Zero accident, Zero defects etc) through total employee involvement.
  • To improve equipment reliability and maintainability to contribute to quality and to raise productivity.

What is TPM?

  • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is both
    • a philosophy to penetrate throughout an operating company touching people of all levels
    • a collection of techniques and practices aimed at maximizing the effectiveness (best possible return) of business facilities and processes

It is a Japanese approach for

  • Creating company culture for maximum efficiency
  • Striving to prevent losses with minimum cost
    • Zero breakdowns and failures, Zero accident, Zero defects etc
  • The essence of teamwork (small group activities) focused on condition and performance of facilities to achieve zero loss for improvement
  • Involvement of all people from top management to operator


  • TPM was first introduced in Japan 40 years ago and rigorously applied in past 20 years
  • TPM planning & implementation in Japanese factories was supported by JIPM (Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance)
  • Awarded yearly prizes to various industries:
    • Automotive
    • Metals
    • Chemicals
    • Rubber
    • Food
    • Glass etc.
Traditional Maintenance TPM
Reactive maintenance is inherently wasteful and ineffective with following disadvantages:
* No warning of failure
* Chances of safety risk
* Unscheduled downtime of machinery
* Production loss or delay
* Possible secondary damage  
* Real cost of reactive maintenance is more than the cost of maintenance resources and spare part
* Pro-active maintenance (planned, preventive and predictive) more desirable than reactive maintenance  
Requirements in traditional maintenance Need for:
* Stand-by machinery
* A stand-by maintenance team
*A stock of spare parts
Costs include:
* Post production
* Disrupted schedule
* Repair cost
* Spare parts  
TPM provides TPM enables or provides:
* The traditional maintenance practices to change from reactive to pro-active
* A number of mechanisms whereby
* Breakdowns are analyzed
* Causes investigated
*Actions taken to prevent further breakdowns
* Preventive maintenance schedule to be made more meaningful
* To ‘free up’ maintenance professionals to:
* Carry out scheduled and preventive maintenance
*Gather relevant information as important input to the maintenance system
*Keep the system up to date
*To review cost effectiveness
*To develop and operate a very effective maintenance system an integral part of manufacturing

Why is TPM so popular and important?

Three main reasons:

1. It guarantees dramatic results (Significant tangible results) 

•       Reduces equipment breakdowns

•       Minimizes idle time and minor stops

•       Less quality defects and claims

•       Increases productivity

•       Reduces manpower and cost

•       Lower inventory

•       Reduces accidents

2. Visibly transform the workplace  (plant environment) 

•       Through TPM, a filthy, rusty plant covered in oil and grease, leaking fluids and spilt powders   can be reborn as a pleasant and safe working environment

•       Customers and other visitors are impressed by the change

•       Confidence on plant’s product increases

3. Raises the level of workers knowledge and skills As TPM activities begin to yield above concrete results, it helps: 

•       The workers to get motivated

•       Involvement of the workers increases

•       Improvement suggestions multiply

•       People begin to think of TPM as part of the job

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