Mock Drill

Hi readers! Today we will discuss about Mock drill. It is a scenario in which the participants practise and focus on how to react, when a disaster or any emergency may take place. We often see in news channel / newspaper that fire is caught or some accidents has occurred in hospital, factory, Malls etc. In some cases, fatal cases are also heard. For safety purposes, mock drills are held in hospitals, schools, colleges, apartments, industries and organisations all around the world.

To understand it in a simple language,  – Students usually give mock test before appearing for final exams. Here the question arises, Why do they take mock test? Because if they keep practising mock tests, they can prepare themselves better and easily appear for Final exams and do better results. Likewise if we conduct mock drill and follow its SOP, we can prepare ourselves for doing the same thing better in case of an emergency situation and can save various lives, not only ourself but others as well and loss of property too.

Why Mock drill is required?

Organisation conducts mock drill to check the responses of the employees, flaws of system if any, and compliance of SOP of drill to be followed in emergency. It helps to reduce panic and gives the employees valuable training in responding to an emergency. However, it is observed that many organisations do not follow the safety regulations and procedures, and hence face severe penalties .

Aim of Mock drill

  • To check the evacuation response.
  • To check the compliance of SOP of drill
  • Communication & coordination of Emergency response team (ERT)

Types of Drill

  • Fire mock drill
  • Any natural disaster (Earthquake, etc.)
  • Other possible emergency situation

Let us understand with one example. Suppose XYZ is a small bakery manufacturing company. One day everything was going as per schedule as usual. ERT decided to conduct the fire mock drill on that day. ERT means Emergency response team and it is assumed that ERT of this bakery company consists of 7-8 people ( Say M,N,O,P X,Y,Z) who will conduct the mock drill and perform the necessary activities to evacuate the people in emergency.

How to conduct Mock drill?

A – Date of drill – 16 Aug 2018

Time of drill – 11:30 Hrs.

Scenario – A fire broke out at internet server room

Things needed to be checked is listed below :-

  1. Response time
  2. Role of ERT
  3. Role of fire fighters
  4. Role of first Aid team.
  5. Communication & coordination among the teams
  6.  Drill SOP compliance

B. Nature/ Type: General Fire

Probable Hazards:  General Fire near the Server room that may expose to Canteen room.


Security guard to alarm (Siren) at Main Gate.

Security guard to rush towards incident Site & come back to main gate.

 Security guard informed the ERT to take the necessary action.


Safety personnel.

Inform top management official

E – Fire fighters along with ERT to identify the  type of fire & start fire fighting actions using the appropriate fire extinguisher.

F – Control room to mobilize other personnel for first aid and attend the victims.

Action TeamM&N
Rescue TeamO& P
  Cordoning TeamX & Y
Site Incident ControllerX
Observer  Z &Y

The main aim was to conduct the drill to evaluate the responses of the concerned people involved in responding to an emergency situation like fire or any other accident.


  1. Reaction time of the people after the siren/ alarms started sounding.
  2. Time taken in taking initiative from security/control room to other Emergency response team and other people in the office.
  3. Time taken to reach the point of emergency.
  4. Primary action of usage of Fire extinguisher or fire hydrant.
  5. Time taken to assemble at assembly point
  6. Communication with fire station, ambulance need to be checked
  7. Others

After the mock drill is over, points of G needs to be filled up and to be compare with SOP compliance of mock drill.

If any type of GAP is observed, Emergency response team needs to correct those gap.

TopicSOP defined criteriaActual response found
Reaction time from sounding of siren.    
Time taken from security/control room to other Emergency response team and other people in the office.    
Time taken to reach the point of emergency.    
Primary action of Fire extinguisher or fire hydrant.    
Time taken to assemble of all people at assembly point    
Communication with fire station, ambulance need to be checked    
No of accident /Fist aid  

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