8 Wastes of lean

Hi friends! Today we will discus about the 8 wastes of Lean. Many manufacturing industries practice this concept to become more competitive in the market and this concept also reduces Non – Value added activity (NVA). 8 Wastes of lean is listed below :- Transportation Inventory Motion Waiting Over-processing Over-production Defects Unutilized Talent Trasportation :- … Read more

Defects, Defectives & DPMO

Hi readers! Today we will discuss about the Defects, defectives, and DPMO. These words are mainly used in Six Sigma and other TQM initiatives.  Defects – An output of the process that does not meet a defined specification. Defectives – A product that contains at least one defect. DPMO – It stands for Defect Per … Read more

Intermediate checks

Hi folks. Today we will learn about Intermediate checks. This check helps us in maintaining accurate measurements of equipment in testing laboratory. As per ISO/IEC 17025 Intermediate checks is one of the fundamental checks to verify the equipment between calibrations. Many laboratories are practicing these intermediate checks to keep equipment in healthy state, in other … Read more

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Hi readers ! today we will learn about Total Productive Maintenance(TPM). Policy and objectives To maximize overall equipment effectiveness (Zero breakdowns and failures, Zero accident, Zero defects etc) through total employee involvement. To improve equipment reliability and maintainability to contribute to quality and to raise productivity. What is TPM? Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is both … Read more

What is Mean, Median & Mode?

Hi readers! Today we will discuss about Central tendency Like Mean, Median & Mode. Central tendency helps us to find out the central value or average value of a statistical series of quantitative information. Mean (average) = sum of the values/number of observations. 2  4  5  6  8               Mean = (2+4+5+6+8)/5= 25/5= 5.    Median– value … Read more

7 QC Tool

Hi friends!   Today we will learn about the 7QC tools.  These tools are used to collect the information about the problem and hence one can easily identify the problem area. Application of these tools are widely used in manufacturing/ Services/ Medical/Telecom industry across the globe. Once the problem is identified then the root cause of … Read more

Two tail test in Excel | t- Test Hypothesis testing for the mean value (µ) with some examples!!

Hi friends!! This article will help you to understand how to verify or test a claim through t-Test hypothesis. The testing for Two tail test can be conducted if mean of claim is given. Almost all manufacturing company or Service industry uses a Warranty Scheme or product life characteristics on the product to attract the … Read more

4W1H & 5W1H with examples!!

Hi readers! Today we will discuss about 4W1H & 5H1H. These tools are generally used in Six Sigma, TPM SGA, Quality circle etc.  We will also be sharing the format for the same. Let us understand first about the 4W1H. 4W1H Meaning W WHAT W WHERE W WHEN W WHO H HOW How to use? … Read more